Friday, May 08, 2015

The Beginning of Wisdom

As #1 settles into the routine of high school, I cannot help but notice how much more interested and vocal she has become about the subjects closest to her heart.

She has even begun educating her peers (and her dad) on them.

Shooting of unarmed black men by white policemen in the US. (Ferguson. Baltimore. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Eric Garner. Walter Scott. Freddie Gray.)

Gender stereotyping. Gender equality.

She has become ultra sensitive to the plight of marginalized minority groups.

The next step is to guide her to use her God-given intellect, compassion and sense of justice to do something positive and constructive to create awareness, reduce injustice and contribute to a better world.

And to keep walking with God and trusting that He has the whole world in His hands in spite of our denial of Him, and a plan that is perfect, in spite of our imperfection.

May God give her enough years and the wisdom and humility to live out her mission.

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